The return and exchange of purchased goods is carried out at the expense of the buyer. If there is a factory defect, the return is made at the seller's expense. The refund period is from 3 to 14 days.

After receiving the goods at the post office, checking for integrity and working ability, all responsibility for the equipment falls on the buyer.

Warranty service is free repair of the product during the warranty period of 12-36 months from the date of sale. The warranty is valid from the date of purchase of the product specified in the warranty card.
The warranty does not apply in case of incorrect use of the product.
Warranty service is provided only in the presence of a warranty card. Claims regarding the functionality of the product are considered if the product is fully assembled.
All transportation costs for warranty and post-warranty repairs are paid by the buyer.
In the event of defects arising as a result of transportation (during transportation by a company providing transportation services, claims for defects during transportation from the point of departure to the point of receipt shall be borne by the company providing logistics services (transportation) of the product. (Provided that
the cargo is insured).

Reasons for refusal of warranty repair:

1. The product has traces of tampering, physical traces of damage. Deformation of the case or other components, as well as damage to power cables.
2. Getting into the middle of foreign objects.
3. Change of configuration.
4. Intervention of third parties in the design of the equipment or in
power supply scheme.
5 Getting into the middle of any liquid.
6. Excessive contamination of the product during operation.
7. Failure to comply with the rules of care and cleaning of the filter, which caused the failure of equipment components.
8. An increase in the allowable norms of the power supply of the equipment, a “surge” of voltage in the power supply network, which could cause the failure of the equipment or components.

Refunds are made in accordance with the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 19
1994 N° 172 “On the implementation of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, equipment for manicure and pedicure belongs to the group of sanitary and hygienic purposes that are not subject to return.
The Dustwell company reserves the right to exchange equipment in the event of a mistaken order by the buyer, provided that the product has not been used and has not lost its appearance.